Some may see that as naïve. Some may think we should be one person in work, and another in play. Not me.
As I see it, I can only be one person, and that is me…Caroline. I can’t be anyone else. I wouldn’t really want to be anyone else if I’m honest (although some may wish I was).
So when thinking about my professional values, I concluded that I will be Clear, Authentic, Respectful and Open. I will Listen to you, remain Informed, Nuture and provide Energy. I will be CAROLINE.
Clear – I will be transparent in my advice and what is expected from each other
Authentic – I will be real, trustworthy and myself, while providing a professional service
Respectful – I will respect you, your ideas and your opinions
Open – I will be honest in my service to you at all times
Listen – I will listen to you and consider your thoughts
Informed - I will continue my professional development so you can be confident in my advice
Nurture - I will take the opportunity to coach, counsel and cultivate to help you reach you potential and/or achieve the best possible solution
Energy – I will be passionate and determined to help you succeed in whatever you ask of me
Now my next challenge…living these out