About Me

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My thoughts as I journey toward becoming an ELearning Professional....if there is such a thing? This started as a blog while I studied the Open University module "The Elearning Professional". It has now turned into a collection of my ponderings on all things learning


My Professional Values

For me, my professional values should reflect, and be, an extension of my personal values. I wouldn’t want my personal values to be compromised in my profession or vice versa.

Some may see that as naïve. Some may think we should be one person in work, and another in play. Not me.

As I see it, I can only be one person, and that is me…Caroline. I can’t be anyone else. I wouldn’t really want to be anyone else if I’m honest (although some may wish I was).

So when thinking about my professional values, I concluded that I will be Clear, Authentic, Respectful and Open. I will Listen to you, remain Informed, Nuture and provide Energy. I will be CAROLINE.

Clear – I will be transparent in my advice and what is expected from each other

Authentic I will be real, trustworthy and myself, while providing a professional service

Respectful – I will respect you, your ideas and your opinions

Open I will be honest in my service to you at all times

Listen I will listen to you and consider your thoughts

Informed - I will continue my professional development so you can be confident in my advice
Nurture - I will take the opportunity to coach, counsel and cultivate to help you reach you potential and/or achieve the best possible solution
Energy – I will be passionate and determined to help you succeed in whatever you ask of me

Now my next challenge…living these out

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely idea!! I tried to copy this, but just couldn't get anything out!
